
Jul 14, 20215 min

The Celery Generation

Many people won’t like what’s written below because many people disapproved when I openly spoke about it. But this is my opinion and my experience, and it can either inspire you to do the same or reject my views.

Who belongs to the Celery Generation?

  • The boy from the second floor who suffers from eczema.

  • The daughter of my friend’s colleague who was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness.

  • My elder son’s classmate who has been taking ADHD medicine for five years on a daily basis.

  • The two-year old boy on the street who watches cartoons on his mom’s phone.

  • The four-year old girl who drinks Coca-Cola.

  • The boy everyone turns away from because of his “socially unacceptable” autistic behavior.

  • The three-year-old on the playground whose mother is panicking because her son hasn’t started speaking yet.

  • The two little sisters from a neighboring street who have had digestive problems from birth.

All the children whose parents still believe that eggs are among the best ingredients and that protein is key to children's health and development.

  • The three-year-old boy whose mom complains to a passer-by that he is so annoying – because he is curious and asks too many questions – that she allows him to play games on her mobile phone just to keep him quiet. (I’ve witnessed this situation and I cannot describe how overcome with emotion I was).

A member of the Celery Generation is also my younger child, who was riddled with toxins upon birth, even though all the pediatricians and medical experts claimed that all indicators were "completely normal" and "within the expected range for his age group". And my elder son, who knows why it’s important to drink celery juice and HMDS for eliminating heavy metals from the body.

The Celery Generation is real. It’s here and it’s now. It’s my children, your children, your future children, the children of your family members, friends, colleagues... It’s the children we see every day, and those we can’t see enjoying their childhood because of illness.

All of them, more than any other generation in history, are exposed to extensive modalities of the numerous toxins found in the air, in the soil, in the water we drink and the food we eat. These children have inherited combinations of heavy metals, viruses and bacteria that cause health issues from birth. High stress levels, a fast-paced lifestyle and an inadequate diet only add to the toxicity.

Members of the celery generation are also children whose parents and environment can convey important information about health, the right choice of food, and how to keep away from hidden toxins. These are children whose parents know about the teachings of the Medical Medium and want their offspring to lead healthy lives.

Why celery?

Because celery is a game changer. You can find more information on celery and its benefits in Celery Juice, a book written by Anthony William, the Medical Medium.

Celery juice can help with many problems, neutralizing and eliminating toxins from the liver and destroying strep and other viruses and bacteria among other things. It’s the most important ally in the fight against Epstein-Barr virus and the Shingles virus since it improves the hydrochloric acid and strengthens the liver by restoring bile production.

This and much more is why celery juice has become an important part of my family’s morning routine. And that morning glass of fresh celery juice is a step closer towards the recovery of my younger son.

Where has a part of our common sense gone?

I live in a country with a dominant coffee-drinking culture. In a seemingly sophisticated and extremely efficient manner, the advertising behind the coffee industry communicates with all target groups, from ten-year olds to centenarians. In primary school, my elder son took part in a school cafe project, whereby he underwent mandatory training for a barista. For him, it was a great experience on learning how to start a business from scratch; he had great mentors and learned a lot about business. But what about the purpose of the school cafe itself? The main goal is to make, sell and drink coffee. So if everyone at school does it, including the teachers, it must be OK, right? Or perhaps it’s not that necessary after all.

School cafes are introduced as early as (public) secondary school. On school sports day, it is custom to see secondary school children drinking coffee between events!!! So unless we change something, of course they have a great chance of getting hooked on caffeine.

But what if they had a juice bar instead of a school cafe? Or if the teachers used fruits as small incentives instead of unhealthy sweets?

Am I the only one who thinks it’s unusual that primary school children visit wineries and learn about wine as part of the curriculum? Most kids might know how wine is made, but surely, this isn’t essential to primary-level education, right? Especially when the owner of the winery was really uncomfortable talking about the process without using the word alcohol. How do you find this? It’s OK? Nothing unusual?

I admit to being addicted to several cups of coffee a day, saying how it’s the only thing I wouldn’t want to eliminate from my diet. This was the case until I listened to a Medical Medium podcast about coffee. After listening to it just once, coffee and I parted ways for ever, to my great pleasure.

The future of the Celery Generation

Let’s educate ourselves and convey this knowledge to our children. Let’s serve as an example of how one can always make positive change and beat any addiction, no matter how harmless it may seem. Let’s read Medical Medium’s books and implement the truth in order to live healthier and happier lives.

Let’s stop, just for a moment, believing industry-funded surveys and studies regarding food and medicine. It’s no longer possible to believe that medication solves everything.

Let’s teach our children about healthy food. Let’s talk to them about the harmful adrenaline released when animals are killed, the adrenaline we ingest by eating meat. Let’s teach them to read labels and interpret abbreviations on packaging. Let them feel change by eating wild blueberries and fresh fruits and vegetables in general.

Finally, we all have free will. I don’t know what my children’s take on food will be in the future, or what kind of lifestyle they will settle on, but I will have peace of mind knowing that they have all the necessary information to make their personal choices.

Deep down, we all know how terrifying the pace at which the world evolves and what our children are exposed to can be. However, we can use the information provided by Anthony William, Medical Medium, to create a healthier future for our children. This wealth of knowledge gives us the power to make positive change.

My family prioritizes health. What about yours?
