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  • Writer's picturetanya

I've Had So Many Questions

Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Why is my child sick? What can I do to help my child? Is my child ever going to speak? Is this going to work? What if I cannot take care of my ASD child? How can I be sure that I am doing the right thing?

Why do I feel anger when medical authorities are just ticking the boxes about my child’s development without explanations and solutions? How long will it take to heal my child? What if my partner does not agree with MM healing?

MM Healing

How to start MM healing on a budget?

Why didn’t Jo Dispenza’s meditations work for my children?

Why did those energy healers make me feel bad and guilty?

Will essential angels help me?

Why does Low of Attraction not have a proper explanation about my son’s sickness?

And More Questions:

Why is my older child so sad about his sick sibling?

When am I going to stop comparing my child with healthy children?

When am I going to see improvements?

Why do my friends feel uncomfortable about my child?

Will essential angels help me?

Why don’t educators really care about my child?

Why do my friends keep saying that I already did everything and should focus on myself?

Is this intent healing going to work?

Why, oh why didn’t I start with MM earlier? And so on.

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