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How It All Started

Updated: May 9, 2021

May 9, 2021

When I first started with the Medical Medium protocol for my younger son, my secret plan was to heal him and to continue living our lives. Soon after, I realised this was so huge and important and must be shared. Healing based on Medical Medium information is not just healing physical symptoms, it’s also about transformation and growth as an individual, and as a family.

The Healing Journey With My Older Son

My awakening moment about conventional medicine started with my older son, who by the age of two had a speech delay and so many physical health issues from ear infections to bacterial infection, the medical officials suspected that he had a cerebral palsy as well. As a young mum, my medicine knowledge was very poor and I thought that this was why we have paediatricians and other specialists. But I had such a strong intuition about every paediatrician, speech therapist or any other therapist that we met and soon it was obvious that none of them were able to help. So, after 5 paediatricians, 4 speech therapists, 5 psychologists and 3 physiatrists, I came to the realisation that finding the solution must be completely my responsibility as a parent.

Different types of therapies are just an hour or two per day, but what should I do the rest of the day to help my child ?

My marketing background helped me with my research which led to an immediate change to my son’s diet. Eventually we found a really unconventional speech therapist and a homeopath to work with, and by the age of six he was so much above his generation in every aspect, including a shift from being non-verbal to being a fluently bilingual child (btw he is trilingual now). At that point, I was more than ever ready for my second child and I thought that I knew everything. We used air purifiers at home, no chemicals, we ate organic food, no meat, … but all that knowledge was far away from enough to help with my newborn baby boy.

these days it’s really not so hard to lose trust in conventional medicine

The Healing Adventure With My Younger Son

My younger miracle was born 3 weeks earlier via the C section because apparently, he had been losing his oxygen. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I was diagnosed with three different types of blood mutations meaning that my blood started to become thicker and thicker, so I was put on an anticoagulation therapy two times daily. It was a very hard decision, but it was like I had to choose between my baby and some unknown destiny. Beside that, my pregnancy was full of joy and peace.

My younger son’s health issues started to manifest after his birth. He had an eczema on his face, jaundice, torticollis, and later on he developed reflux. He was awake every night between 2 and 4 am and was in some semi-dreaming state, making unusual noises. But in the first ten months, his cognitive level was so amazing, he was learning new things so easily and started to say Mum, Dad, and his brother’s nickname.

“The bond between mothers and their children, whether biological or adoptive, is a spiritual force that can never be broken.”

Anthony William, Medical Medium

Then one morning I felt that something was terribly wrong and this was the mother’s intuition that Anthony had written about in his first book (Medical Medium, Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal). Nothing happened but I just simply knew. Few months later problems started to unfold. He forgot all the things that he knew, he started to lay down on his back and vigorously move his arms and legs, he didn't develop speech further. Only one thing stayed the same, and it was warmness in his eyes, his beauty and I could feel that inner purity.

I immediately alarmed the paediatrician, speech therapist and the homeopath. Two of them said that it looked like he had decided not to talk … OMG. I deeply knew that this was crazy and he didn’t have the maturity for that kind of decision. But over time I accepted it which gave me hope that someday he maybe would change his decision. Well, that didn't happen for now obvious reasons.

I tried a lot of different learning modalities through play that was successful with my older son but with very tiny success for my younger love. Vegetarian diet I soon replaced with a vegan-based diet. No improvements! I couldn’t stop recycling my thoughts on how to help my child, so I moved to the energy medicine for the answers. I got stuck there, and was stuck there for a while. Why? They didn’t give me any answers, just sucked my money with no compassion nor solution. I allowed them to literally take my power away. I lost a part of my common sense and somehow started to believe that I was the one who attracted his ASD, and he can't be healed because I was not in the right frequency for his healing. I worked with 5 different homeopaths on three continents, speech therapists, Reiki master, Reconnection practitioners, and even with a founder of the Reconnection itself, sound healers, an intent healing technique and nothing helped him. The time passed by and some of them were like it is what it is and his purpose on the Earth is to stay like that. I was like WHAT? How do you know that?! I felt so insecure and lost, and I didn't have any options, so started to believe it was all because of me. My mind, soul and heart were trapped in the dark limbo of the new age spirituality platforms. I would like to point out how parents are vulnerable and how easy it can be to manipulate them. That makes me so sad.

The first time I saw Anthony was in the HEAL documentary, but it was confusing for me how and what he was doing, so I didn't dig deeper into his work. I always knew that it must be something related to food but all previous combinations were unsuccessful. So I stayed puzzled on this topic. A year later my son has achieved a micro progress and one day I woke up (it looked like my intuition was prepared to come back to the full speed) with the thought that I must buy a Medical Medium book. At that point, our new brighter family history has started.

When someone asks me on how to start with MM protocols, my answer is always the same: buy Medical Medium books and start reading! Not just taking some fragments from social media posts, you need the whole information and the knowledge, to know what and when to do, to understand it all.

So for the first time, I got my answers and the sentence that people didn't attract their own illness was the biggest liberation ever, like I suddenly started to breath the light.

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